Category Archives: Spray Foam Insulation
Cable TV Show Highlights Importance of Adding Strength To Your Home
While watching storm chasers season 5, 2011 super outbreak. I realized the importance of having homes reinforced with spray foam insulation or if you were unfortunate to lose your home this past spring rebuild or repair utilizing spray foam insulation. … Continue reading
New Portable Proportioner Foam Dispenser
MASTER PACK, a global spray foam supplier, has developed low cost, low maintenance,high output (18 lbs/minute) spray foam dispensing equipment (Model PPFD) for under 17K with on-site training anywhere in the USA. The MASTER PACK Spray Foam Dispensing Unit will … Continue reading
Why use Spray Foam Insulation?
Spray foam stops air and moisture intrusion, cuts energy bills (up to 40%), strengthens the structure (in wall cavity increased racking strength to 330-400% in NAHB tests), and protects the internal air from mold, airborne pollutants, and allergens, creating a … Continue reading