Video shows a Do It Yourself (DIY) Master Pack customer encapsulating asbestos roof with spray foam. Master Pack customer is applying spray foam with spray foam dispensing equipment rented from Master Pack to save money. For some applications a professional should be consulted. Job location was in the Desert where energy costs are a concern due to sever temperature and the occasional hostile weather pattern.
Benefits of Spray Foam Roof System include
* Leak Free High insulation value
* Rapid payback with energy savings
* Strong adhesion and wind uplift resistance Weather resistant
* Energy Cost Savings
For more information please visit us on the web at or call our friendly staff at 949-487-2068. Master Pack offers Spray Foam Dispensing Equipment available for SALE or RENT. Master Pack also sell Spray Foam chemical in 1/2 lb, 2 lb, 3 lb, bags. Master Pack also supplies pour foam and packaging foam for your packaging needs. We are proud in providing energy saving insulation to cut fossil fuel consumption.