Author Archives: Master Pack
Master Pack is Pleased to Announce New Spray Foam Purchasing Options
Master Pack is proud to announce new purchasing options for spray foam supplies and the launch of our new website. We have been working diligently to make ordering supplies a simple process for our customers. Above are a few of … Continue reading
Winterize your Home with Spray Insulation and save 40% on Utility Bills.
Winter is in full swing and now is a perfect time to insulate within your home. Here are a few benefits to using Spray Foam throughout the house. Polyurethane SPF insulation acts as an air barrier sealing off the hundreds … Continue reading
Master Pack Announces Partnership with 3M Corporation with the Distribution of a Polyurethane Spray Foam Insulation System
Master Pack is please to announce a new partnership in the distribution of Polyurethane Spray Foam Insulation with the 3M Corporation. We have recently become a distributor for a new product called the Spray Foam Mini Low Pressure Proportioner that … Continue reading