Liquid Floral Foam
Liquid Floral Foam is a two component (A&B) polyurethane that is either hand or machine mixed and poured in a container to hold artificial flowers and trees. The unique characteristics of this product is that the foam conforms to exact configurations of any container. One eliminates the need to purchase dry foam to cut and glue. Two options to dispense foam:
1. Hand Mix
Machine Mix Foam
Foam Dispenser Finished Pour Foam
Second Step
To ProductionArrange Foliage
The Beginning Insertion
Of Foam In Container
2. Dispensing Gun System

Floral Foam features
- Low odor
- Easy to mix (low viscosity)
- Fast setting (15-20 seconds)
- Eliminates the re-design of the dry foam
- Eliminates the time to glue the foam
- Eliminates the time to cut the dry foam into the floral container
- Eliminates the need to purchase "dried artificial" foam
- Eliminates unnecessary storage of bulky sheets of dry foam
- Less expensive
- Less labor intensive
Void Fill Applications
Product is offered in the following:
- 55 gal. drums
- 1 gal. containers (2 Gallons = 1 Kit)